3 How to Use Firestar
Downforce Agent edited this page 2024-07-04 00:57:59 -04:00

Before you get started, make sure you have the following ready:

  • Playstation Vita/TV or the Vita3K emulator
    • On real consoles, you will need to have Ensō custom firmware installed to load HENkaku at startup.
      If you don't, complete the Vita Hacks Guide, then come back here.
  • The extracted PSARC files from your copy of WipEout 2048 (very important)
    • You can grab these here.
  • A PC or Mac with Java installed, version 17 at least.
  • A way to transfer files between your computer and your hacked console
    • The Filezilla FTP client is the recommended way to do this.
    • You can also use your Vita's included USB charging cable, though this can cause corruption on Mac/Linux systems.
  • Repatch Reloaded installed on your Vita
    • If you do not have Repatch Reloaded, follow the installation guide for it here.

Installing Firestar

The latest version of Firestar will always be available from Releases.

  • Windows: Use the .EXE installer.
  • Linux: you may install one of the package files using your package manager and it will automatically add Firestar to your /usr/bin and to your desktop's Start menu.
  • Mac: There is no installer for Mac at this time, but you can use the portable ZIP version.
    The ZIP version works on all platforms and does not need installing like the others.

During the initial setup, Firestar will ask you where you want to export your mods to. This can be any folder as long as you have write permissions to it.
Make sure to write the full path. Something like "C:/Users/(your name)/Desktop/WipEout/" or "/home/(your name)/Desktop/WipEout/" will work fine.

The last step is to open your ~/.firestar/ folder (there is a convenient button on this screen to open it for you) and drop in your original PSARC files that you extracted before starting this guide. If you don't have these files, you should get them now before continuing. If you want, you can just insert the last-loading PSARC that you have (data2.psarc for the base game, or dlc2.psarc if you own the HD Fury Add-On Pack), this will save a lot of space and reduce transfer times.

Using Firestar

Adding a mod to the mod list

Press the "Import" button and select an .FSTAR file to copy it to your list of mods.
This file will be copied to ~/.firestar/mods/, so if you delete or move the originals it will still remain in your list until you remove it.

Installing the mods to your Vita

Press the "Deploy" button and Firestar will automatically generate a new PSARC file that you can inject into your game:

You can then open VitaShell and copy the new PSARC file to your Repatch Reloaded folder.

  • If you got a data.psarc, data1.psarc or data2.psarc, move it to ux0:/repatch/(your Title ID)/PSP2/
  • For dlc1.psarc, move it to ux0:/readdcont/(your Title ID)/DLC1W2048PACKAGE/PSP2/
  • And if you have dlc2.psarc, move it to ux0:/readdcont/(your Title ID)/DLC2W2048PACKAGE/PSP2/