#!/bin/bash export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/worlds export WINEARCH=win32 export DIR="$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/Worlds/WorldsPlayer by Worlds.com" export DIREXE="$DIR/run.exe" prefix () { echo "Settings up the Wine prefix..." wine init if ! [ -x "$(command -v winetricks)" ]; then echo "Error: 'winetricks' not found! Please add it to your path or install it via your package manager." exit 1 fi echo "Self updating winetricks..." sudo winetricks --self-update echo "Installing components..." winetricks gdiplus ddr=gdi glsl=disabled allfonts l3codecx devenum quartz wmp10 ie8 win7 install } install () { mkdir -p "$DIR/downloads" cd "$DIR/downloads" echo "Downloading Java 6u45 Windows i586..." wget --user=$(zenity --forms --title="Oracle Login" --text="An Oracle account is required to download the installer" --add-entry="Email") --ask-password https://download.oracle.com/otn/java/jdk/6u45-b06/jre-6u45-windows-i586.exe if ! [ -f "$DIR/downloads/jre-6u45-windows-i586.exe" ]; then echo "JRE6 installer not found! Aborting!" exit 1 fi wine "jre-6u45-windows-i586 /s" echo "Downloading Installer..." wget "http://cache.worlds.com/downloads/1900/Worlds1900.exe" echo "Installing Worlds 1900. Please complete the setup." wine "Worlds1900.exe" audio } audio () { echo "Setting up Audio prerequisites..." cd "$DIR/downloads" wget "https://www.dropbox.com/s/el0co8k0n0ps6a2/BCM1043.exe" wget "https://github.com/Nevcairiel/LAVFilters/releases/download/0.74.1/LAVFilters-0.74.1-Installer.exe" wine "$DIR/downloads/BCM1043.exe /s" wine "$DIR/downloads/LAVFilters-0.74.1-Installer.exe /s" script } script () { WORLDSSCRIPT=$HOME/worlds.sh rm $WORLDSSCRIPT touch "$WORLDSSCRIPT" echo "#!/bin/sh" >> "$WORLDSSCRIPT" echo "export WINEPREFIX=$WINEPREFIX" >> "$WORLDSSCRIPT" echo "export WINEARCH=win32" >> "$WORLDSSCRIPT" echo "export DIR=\"$DIR\"" >> "$WORLDSSCRIPT" echo "cd \"$DIR\"" >> "$WORLDSSCRIPT" echo "rm -rf \"\$DIR/cachedir\"" >> "$WORLDSSCRIPT" echo "wine \"\$DIR/run.exe\" $*" >> "$WORLDSSCRIPT" chmod +u $WORLDSSCRIPT echo "A worlds startup script is available at $WORLDSSCRIPT!" echo "Setup done!" } prefix