# This is the configuration file for PengoBot. # Handles every message group. messages=conf/messages.list # Handles single messages to single phrases. replyfile=conf/replies.conf # Handles worlds and their names. worldfile=conf/worldlist.conf # The username you log in as. Account must be registered on worlds servers. username=Clem # The password to the username above. password=hackme # The username who owns the bot. This is for administrative actions. owner=Thom # The URL to whisper users when asking for bot help. help_url= # Bot avatar. Must be VIP for articulated to show up. avatar=http://files.worlio.com/users/wirlaburla/avatars/pengobot.mov # Room to appear in. room=GroundZero#Reception # The position in the world that the bot will sit. xpos=0 ypos=0 zpos=0 direction=0 # Every 'keep alive', will turn x degrees. spin=0 # Keep alive interval. Setting this too long will make worlds disconnect you. katime=5 # The time between random messages. The wait period is between minRandomMsgTime and maxRandomMsgTime. Setting these to 0 will disable. minRandomMsgTime=300 maxRandomMsgTime=900 # Here are all single-definition messages. For anything that isn't picked in a list, it's here. help_msg=You can find more information here: %s coinflip_msg=%s flipped %s. help_whisper_message=%s, you have been whispered with more information. time_msg=It is %s. roll_msg=%s rolled a %i. world_not_found_msg=Sorry, I don't know that one. roomusers_msg=There are %i users in this room. conf_reload_msg=My configuration has been reloaded. ping_msg=Response recieved in %ims. pong_msg=Pong!